Louanne's Merlot
This amazing plant was given to us from an elder of the dahlia community, her Name is Louanne. We met Louanne thru the nevada county fair a few years back while we were both participating in the horticultural divison at the fair. Her flowers were 100 percent the most amaing i have ever seen. After the fair we got together and we helped her dig up her tubers for division and winter storage and as thanks for the help, she gifted us her prized tubers. Many she had had for so long that she didnt even remember the correct names for the dahlia. This cultivar is called Louanne's Merlot.
hardy in nevady county
grows 6ft.tall if you let it
amazing large burgandy flowers sometime you get lucky and it has verigation in the petals
sometimes you get a sport and it is all gold >> see the picture above !
trellis is recommended